Mentor Medier Chooses Labrador CMS for Growth
Media conglomerate Mentor Media is moving all its publications over to the Norwegian Labrador CMS.
- This is an exciting shift for our editorial teams, who will receive tools better suited to their daily work. We can also focus more internal development on innovation around digital subscriptions and login solutions, says development director Francis Lundh at Mentor Medier.
Five national brands
- This is an exciting shift for our editorial teams, who will receive tools better suited to their daily work.
Francis Lundh, Mentor Medier
The agreement includes well-known publications such as Vårt Land, Morgenbladet, and Dagavisen in Norway, as well as Dagen in Sweden. Additionally, they publish the easy-to-read newspaper Klar Tale. In total, 150 journalists will now move to the Norwegian platform.
Lundh, who is also the CEO of Mentor's technology company Unite, says that they are soon ready to bring more of their own technology, which includes using Vipps login in new ways, to the market.
Better and cheaper

- We see Labrador as a strategic partnership when we are going to sell our subscription solutions, says Lundh.
For the Norwegian Labrador CMS, the agreement represents a significant breakthrough for large newspaper conglomerates with subscription newspapers. Labrador CMS already has around 120 customers in 12 countries and delivers about two billion page views monthly.
- This is an important deal for us. It no longer makes sense for each individual media house to spend significant resources on creating solutions that are delivered much better and cheaper as off-the-shelf products, says CEO Jan Thoresen at Labrador CMS.
- This is an important deal for us. It no longer makes sense for each individual media house to spend significant resources on creating solutions that are delivered much better and cheaper as off-the-shelf products
Jan Thoresen, CEO Labrador CMS
Far better than other alternatives
Lundh says Labrador CMS offers a package where the production of articles, and features for front pages and articles have become very good.
- I am impressed by the growth Labrador has gone through in recent years, and see a mature product. They have basic functionality that is far better than other alternatives. This is a win-win for us, says Lundh.
Moving away from Arc XP
Mentor is moving away from American ARC XP after five years. They are keeping the
Swedish solution Roxen for automating the print editions. It is previously known that seven local newspapers that previously received technology from Polaris Media have also switched to Labrador and Unite.